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Baby Reflexage

A combination of baby reflexology and massage

Happy Baby

It begins with first touch…. reflexology and massage for babies is a gentle natural way to enhance your bond with soothing calming techniques to use on their body and feet.


Babies thrive on loving touch ... recent studies have shown baby massage can have a positive effect on childhood development.

When babies cry, it can be upsetting and difficult to know what is wrong with them, as a parent, carer or grandparent you can learn techniques from a fully qualified reflexologist and baby massage teacher to empower and strengthen your bond with your baby and feel confident to help them when they feel unsettled.

 You will learn techniques to help your baby with;




Suitable for babies aged 6 weeks to 9 months.

Each course comprises of 4 weekly classes of approximately 1 hour 15 minutes duration

Classes are small, relaxed and baby-led. They provide a great opportunity for you to meet other new mums in your area. Classes are held at Bankfoot Church Centre, Bankfoot, Perth. 

Over 4 weeks you will learn how to adapt the routine and techniques for your baby’s individual needs.

You will learn a full body massage and reflexology foot routine. 

The techniques you will learn on your baby you will continue to use when they are infants, toddlers and teens, the love and connection you will develop with them through their feet will grow with you both.

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